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Create Separation.....

I refer to Josh Donaldson a lot when I am instructing mainly because you can really see the separation in his swing between the upper and lower part of his body. For so many years people have been preaching to get the front foot down and then your hands back. I disagree whole hardly with that theory. A hitter has to be athletic throughout the swing and even before he starts his stride. Rhythm into the load is essential to becoming a consistent hitter. A body in motion can react quicker and is much stronger. I'm not saying to get crazy like Gary Sheffield use to do but just a little movement that you can time into your load without any stoppage of your body. Every Hitter is different but certain mechanics play a huge role in developing a great hitter.

If you're looking for a hitting instructor be sure to do your homework, the upstate has a few good ones JEFF YOUNG @ The Hit House in Maudlin and Randy Phillips in Greenville are outstanding and have been teaching for a long time and both have great approaches.

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